Octo Browser vs Dolphin{anty}: an impartial comparison

Octo Browser vs Dolphin{anty}: an impartial comparison
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However, we're also interested in making sure that your choice is backed by facts, not ads, and that you remain satisfied after purchasing a subscription. That's why we've prepared this comparison between Octo Browser and Dolphin{anty}, trying to make it as objective and useful as possible.

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Dolphin{anty} at a glance

According to the developers, Dolphin{anty} is best suited for multi-accounting on Google, Facebook, and TikTok. It includes automation for managing ads and optimizing ad campaigns on Facebook. The automation service is not included in the basic pricing plans; it needs to be purchased separately for almost $100.

For users without programming skills, Dolphin{anty} has added a graphical interface where you can create automation scenarios for social media. You'll have to think through the logic of your actions yourself, as the browser team doesn't provide ready-made templates.
Starting from the Base plan, Dolphin{anty} allows adding team members. Each of them will have one of four roles (administrator, team lead, buyer, or farmer) with different levels of access.

Profiles can be transferred not only to team members but also to other users of the browser. This functionality is used by farmers and affiliate marketers who buy and sell ready-made accounts on advertising platforms.

Dolphin{anty} has a free plan that can be used without time restrictions. With this plan, you can have up to 10 profiles. If you need more, there is an opportunity to purchase them without moving to the next subscription tier.

Dolphin's loyal users can earn by attracting new clients. Through the referral program, partners receive 15% of the first and all subsequent payments from each invited customer.
Let's compare Dolphin{anty} and Octo Browser in more detail based on key characteristics.
Let's compare Dolphin{anty} and Octo Browser in more detail based on key characteristics.


The appearance of all popular browsers doesn't differ that much: first, the user sees a table containing profile names, proxy information, tags, statuses, buttons to access more detailed settings, and, of course, buttons to launch profiles. Profiles can be sorted, customized, and subjected to mass actions.

From the same screen you can access the rest of the browser functionality: detailed profile settings, proxy management, account settings, subscription management, etc.
The fundamental interface difference between Octo and Dolphin{anty} lies in their approach to UI design. In Dolphin{anty}, developers try to include as many settings as possible and make all menu elements highly customizable, while Octo Browser is guided by the principle "the simpler, the better".

Let's discuss the specific interface features that distinguish Octo and Dolphin{anty}.

Fingerprint spoofing

The key function of a multi-accounting browser, no matter the purpose you use it for, is fingerprint spoofing. The spoofing quality, the number of spoofed parameters, and how easily spoofing can be configured largely determine the overall quality of a multi-accounting browser.

The basic profile settings in Octo Browser and Dolphin{anty} are more or less similar. However, the main difference lies in the details. In the case of Dolphin{anty}, there are noticeable drawbacks, such as the impossibility of configuring DNS and fonts.

Bulk operations

When working with multi-accounting, it's important that basic operations with browser profiles could be performed both individually and in bulk, which may save time for some users.

In this regard, Octo Browser has all the essential bulk functions: tag management, adding proxies, and export, import, transfer, and deletion of profiles. Meanwhile, in Dolphin{anty}, profile export is missing, but there's an additional feature for bulk export of cookies and profile creation.

Octo Browser has a convenient feature for multi-accounting that Dolphin{anty} lacks, namely templates. Using templates, you can create your own sets of fingerprint settings, which saves time when creating identical or similar profiles. Templates also allow you to add proxies to profiles based on a proxy list.

In Dolphin{anty}, the number of presets is limited to Google, TikTok, Facebook, and Crypto, which significantly reduces the possibilities for bulk profile management.


In multi-accounting browsers, automation can be used to save time while performing routine actions, such as web scraping, preparing profiles for work, liking, etc. Octo Browser and Dolphin{anty} both support working with API in a similar manner allowing creating, deleting, and editing profiles, proxies, and tags, as well as launching profiles for automation using any browser automation framework.

When using automation in Dolphin{anty}, there's a high risk of detection because this browser is not designed to counter automation detection; Octo is better suited for automation purposes.

A slight advantage of Dolphin{anty} is that it comes with a tool for creating custom automation scripts with a graphical interface. This is convenient for simple automation tasks if you are unsure how to properly write scripts.

Update Speed

Prompt kernel updates are crucial for multi-accounting browsers. This is necessary to blend in with the crowd of Chrome users who update first. To evaluate the update speed, we took publicly available information about the last 10 updates. We didn't consider minor deviations of 2-3 days, but if the difference was significant, we highlighted the multi-accounting browser with the better result.

As you can see, Octo Browser has performed better in the last 10 updates.

User Data Security

Octo Browser reliably protects user data, which is stored on European cloud servers and encrypted using the AES standard. The data storage is organized in such a way that even in the unlikely event of a partial data leak, malicious actors still won’t be able access user profiles.

The situation with Dolphin{anty} is debatable. On one hand, in July 2022 there was a leak of 15% of all user profile data, indicating a questionable approach to user data protection, and similar situations occur with Dolphin{anty} with some regularity. On the other hand, lightning doesn't strike the same spot twice, and colleagues likely have done some work on fixing the previous mistakes. Ultimately, the decision about who they trust with their data security lies with the users.

Stability of Operation

To determine how stable a multi-accounting browser is, you need to use it for a considerable amount of time. While some developers, such as Dolphin{anty}, have public incident calendars, at the time of writing an incident occurred that wasn't listed on the calendar but will likely remain in users' memories.
To better understand a browser’s stability levels, it's recommended to look in its community chat: you’ll find more information about browser issues there.

To better understand a browser’s stability levels, it's recommended to look in its community chat: you’ll find more information about browser issues there.

From February 2023 to February 2024, Octo Browser users experienced only one noticeable issue with a release, which occurred with Update 1.8; normal operation was restored within approximately one day.


One of the key factors when choosing a multi-accounting browser is its cost, and it's discussed last in our evaluation. Why? In our opinion, the price is irrelevant if the browser doesn't perform its main function well. You can get any number of profiles for free, but if fingerprint spoofing doesn't work correctly, what's the point? All your efforts will be at risk if price is prioritized when choosing a multi-accounting browser. Therefore, we recommend focusing first on the quality of fingerprint spoofing, then on the convenience of the user interface, and only lastly on the subscription costs.

Nevertheless, for many users, the subscription price might be a crucial factor, so we'll consider it too. For our comparison, we used standard prices, without promotional offers or long-term subscription discounts.
In terms of teamwork, Octo and Dolphin{anty} subscriptions also show noticeable differences: in Octo, individual profiles are cheaper, but adding team members is only possible starting with the Team-tier subscription.

For its part, Dolphin{anty} offers the option to add team members for a price starting with the Base subscription, which can be convenient for small teams. However, the cost per profile will be significantly higher compared to Octo.
In terms of pricing, Octo Browser is best suited for users with a medium to large number of profiles. Dolphin{anty}, on the other hand, is more oriented towards beginners and users with a small number of profiles. Additionally, Dolphin{anty} offers options to purchase slots for extra team members and additional profiles, whereas Octo lacks this feature. However, it's also essential to consider the quality of fingerprint spoofing, browser stability, and other crucial factors discussed above.


Octo Browser offers more useful fingerprint spoofing settings, higher spoofing quality, more stable releases, and faster kernel updates. Octo's pricing options are more profitable, especially for medium and large teams.

Dolphin{anty}'s strengths include a customizable interface, features for bulk actions, a separate feature for creating automation algorithms without coding, and a free version, which can be a boon for beginners.

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