Farming Google Ads accounts: a step-by-step guide by Banana Traff

Farming Google Ads accounts: a step-by-step guide by Banana Traff
Banana Traff
A team of specialists using Google Ads to attract traffic
For more than 3 years Banana Traff has been farming and selling Google Ads accounts. The team has created thousands of accounts, and attracted traffic worth several million dollars using farming techniques that work like a conveyor belt.

Table of contents

A team to farm accounts

Today Banana Traff has 15 specialists from different fields of digital marketing, and the team is constantly growing. To make our work as effective as possible, we stick to a hierarchy with clearly defined responsibilities.

We do all our farming manually, as approaches to account creation change frequently. We have a person in the team responsible for automating routine processes, such as a quick account status check, their upload and download. It is not so easy to perform a deeper farming automation, as you need to take care of a lot of variables.

We work in groups of 3-5 people to prepare the accounts. Each such group varies their approaches. Our farmers carefully prepare the accounts, imitating actions of a real user. We farm at different times performing our actions in a different order, so that each account doesn’t look like one farmed by a script and possesses an individuality.

Farming Google Ads accounts for affiliate marketing

It’s impossible to predict which accounts might get blocked, because this decision is taken by Google based on their internal policies and procedures. This means that we need to work with a large number of accounts and create spare ones. Besides, we always appeal account bans, trying to lift the bans 2 or 3 times.

If you decide to work with Google Ads as your traffic source, you need to choose your approach. There are three main ones:
  1. Third-party accounts sold together with the login, password, and fingerprint of the original owner. This is a cheap solution, but not a good one in the long run; if you look at major bots and sellers of such accounts, you will understand that it is impossible to go big with this method. Our team does not work with such accounts.
  2. Accounts that you register manually and use until it is time to pay for them (when the billing arrives), after which you might want to drop them. Our advice here is to diversify as much as possible, use different countries and farming methods, different proxies and payment schemes. There might be periods when one geolocation is not performing well and some other is performing brilliantly, and vice versa.
  3. Using old trusted or agency accounts. This is the most expensive solution for testing your ad campaigns, on average an old trusted account will cost $100 + budget costs and other associated expenses. Another option is to pay commission on agency accounts (usually around 5%). If you choose this method, you need to have a working ad campaign already, as otherwise you risk going into the red.

Major expendables

Google accounts
Automatically or manually registered accounts. Many of these are available on the market, but their quality is low, so we register our own. We use different proxy types: we register one batch with mobile proxies, and another with residential ones. We recommend against using IPv6 for registration, as accounts will be banned by the batch later. Proxies with this address format can be used for account farming, but only after they have marinated without activity for a while.

A multi-accounting browser
We have been using Octo Browser for a long time now. We believe this is the best browser for affiliate marketing, as it has many useful features, the best of which, in our opinion, is the ability to transfer accounts to other users. In 2 or 3 minutes an account is in another person’s browser, ready to work. What’s more, Octo Browser has an API, which is a major bonus for automation, something that we are currently exploring and developing. We have also created some interesting solutions for our clients that make their work with accounts easier; they can be found in our Telegram channel.

SMS services
SMS services are a big problem for the whole market; we have not found the perfect solution yet. Here’s a list of services that we have tested and found OK:
  • The advantages: you can select the necessary services as favorites, choose a carrier, API is available for automation.
  • This is our favorite service with low and flexible pricing, a partnership program, and API. A nice and convenient service.
  • и These are two analogous services hosted on different domains.

Payment systems

We like how IBAN works in Europe. It allows you to run ads with budgets higher than the billing, and ads don’t stop immediately after the billing has been exceeded. However, there are geolocation restrictions. Google Ads account geolocation must be the same as the IBAN country. A major disadvantage is that not all countries support IBAN, and in some cases we could not access virtual cards.

Many affiliate marketers connect virtual cards (VCC) with bank ID numbers that raise suspicions from Google right from the start, which leads to a large number of bans. Register your ad accounts and connect only those cards and accounts that have not been widely used or exposed.

You can use such services as or for secure financial solutions; open-source intelligence (OSINT) is also very helpful here.

A step-by-step guide for Google Ads account farming

When to start farming

Before accounts are transferred to the farmer, they must be alive for some time, as you need to “marinate” them‎ for 3-5 days. Why do you need to wait? Because usually email bans arrive 3 to 5 days after an account has been created; the main reasons for account disabling are usually account registration methods and/or proxy problems. If the account is still alive after this time, it is transferred to the farmer.
Day 1. Preparation

An important rule here: we need to do everything in the language of the account geolocation: we google, write appeals, etc. in that language. Our main task is to imitate a real person, so that Google thinks that the account is run by a real user. Authorize through Gmail. Complete profile info fields.
Logging into Google
Using the Generated Photos website, choose a photo for the account. Don’t forget to check that gender and birth year match the picture.
Complete the profile info for Google services
Enable 2FA
Go to an SMS service and buy a number from a country. You can choose Indonesia or Kenya if you would like to save some money, and if your budget allows it, buy a number that corresponds to the account geolocation. Get a code with this number and enable 2FA.
Adding home and work address.
Generate backup codes.
Settings and recommendations for account protection.
Copy and save them.
Add a recovery email. Use your work email for this. After completing verification, go to settings and confirm the address.
 Add a backup email.
Make a few Google searches with the account interests in mind. Use the language corresponding to the account and geolocation language. Visit some pages, follow some links, stay on a page for more than 30 seconds to imitate reading. Click on ads on websites to show that the account is solvent.
Day 2. Google News and Google Business
For increased trust and higher account activity, subscribe to Google News. Subscribing to newsletters and receiving messages in your mail contribute to the impression of a real human. From time to time open your email and interact with messages coming from Google News: delete them, add them to favorites, send them to spam, etc.
Configuring scenarios

Configuring Google News.

Create a Google Business profile to show Google that you are a real person capable of making money.
Configuring Google Business.
Provide a title for your business.
Info about your business.
Choose any type.
Choosing activity type.
Choose a category corresponding to interests that you have been pursuing with this account.
Categorizing your business.
Skip this step.
Categorizing your business.
Skip this step.
Choosing your business location.
Choose the country corresponding to your account geolocation.
Choosing your region.
Use an SMS service to buy a number.
The phone number.
You can tick this checkbox or ignore it.
Mark your business on Google Maps.
Let’s go to our account, and on Google Maps find an address without a claimed business and fill in the data.
Add a business address on Google Maps.
Let’s choose confirmation by SMS.
Sending notifications to the business owner.
Let’s go back to the SMS service, wait for the confirmation code, then confirm.
Confirm your phone number.
We set 24/7 working hours.
Choose the working hours of your business.
Choose any option.
Configure the messenger.
Add a short business description. Use ChatGPT with an elaborate prompt. Below you will find prompt examples, but do not forget to make your own. Don’t copy our prompts verbatim, modify and improve them.
Prompts that will help you create a nice business description:
ChatGPT, write a story about:

  • how John created his own organic produce company that became hugely popular among the locals. Write the story from John’s perspective. He is 25-35 years old, lives in Western Europe, and is an average citizen of his country with his own quirks. He is a driven person. Write a story and count the number of symbols in it, it should be around 3800-4000 symbols.
  • how Kate created her own IT company that delivers software solutions for companies in different sectors of the market. She is a woman of 40, who is talented in what she is doing, and she is proud of her achievements and her kids. In the end write the number of symbols you’ve used, this number should be around 3900-4100 symbols.
  • Create a name for a male of 29-37 years, who has been doing business for 9 years, he has 2 children. He tells his own success story and how he overcame difficulties. Make up several individual features that he has; e.g., he has a problem with his left leg. Write his story from the first person perspective, the story should be 4500-5000 symbols long.
  • how Maria started her fashion business that has become popular in many European countries. Write the story of 3600-3700 symbols from Maria’s perspective, using such data as her age (between 25-40), her personality (3 positive and 2 negative features), and something interesting and motivating from her experience. You can also write her sociological portrait, like a professional writer would when creating characters for their novel.
  • How Doug created his online eco-goods shop that has become popular in many European countries. He is a male between 27 and 37, has a child whom he trusts, and in the future plans to make them their business co-owner.
Add the business description created by ChatGPT.

Add the business description created by ChatGPT.

Congratulations, now that you’ve created your business, you’re somebody who can bring Google profits!

Run 10 search queries, e.g.:
  • Buy Хbox (click on the Google ad links);
  • Home delivery;
  • Buy books, movies;
  • Book a table at a restaurant.

Visit 10 websites. Stay on each for at least 1 minute and register using your Google account to increase trust.

Add several files to Google Drive (upload 2 different zip archives and 1 unique photo, fill out some Google Spreadsheets, use Google Docs and Google Keep).

Visit online stores, start online chats asking for commercial offers to be sent to the account email, send some files to Trash.

Register with several popular websites from this list:
Aliexpress, StockX, Ebay, Etsy, Twitch, Pinterest, Reddit, NYtimes, Indeed, Linkedin, Follow it, Amazon, or similar.
Day 3. YouTube registration

You need to create a name for your YouTube channel; you can use your account name, adding or removing extra words.

Subscribe to several channels corresponding to the account’s interests.
Visit 10 new websites and stores.

Write 4 queries related to casinos: e.g., play at a casino, slots, NetEnt games, etc.
Google Ads Account login.
Google will offer to start ads right away, but we know better and choose the expert mode.
Let’s choose our country and the Euro currency (USD for the USA). The arrow below shows that we have chosen “no,” but “yes” is also an option.
Financial settings of the account.
The last click.
Finalizing configuring Google Ads.
All done! You can click around a little bit more, simulating interest.
Day 4. Connecting YouTube to Google Ads

Connect YouTube to Google Ads.
Indicate that you’re the owner and click “Go to YouTube.”
Confirm channel ownership.
Don’t worry about the title and click “Link.”
Finalizing integrating YouTube and Google Ads.
All set. Visit and complete Google Business if you need to, and visit 10 websites and stay on them for at least 1 minute using search.
Day 5. New thematic queries

Run 5 search queries related to the topic “how to run ads.” The queries should look like you are a business owner and would like to run ads for your product.

Search for information about running/starting a business. Look interested in everything connected to a given business, read articles, watch related YouTube videos.

Add a file to Google Drive. Add 2 different zip archives, 1 unique photo, fill out Spreadsheets/Docs. Make their titles related to your business.
Day 6. Searching for useful info for the created profile

Run 3 queries in 2 tabs. Behave like a user who is googling useful information relevant to their lives.
Important! Do not follow the exact sequence of actions described in this manual. Google takes into account the behavioral factor, so your accounts and actions with them should differ in timing of your actions and sequence of steps.

Accounts are ready to work

Congratulations! You have created a business Google Ads account, and now you can run ad campaigns. You can learn about major problems related to bans in our article How to appeal and unblock Google Ads accounts. We hope this information has been useful!

And now for a nice surprise for all those who have read until this point! Using the Octobanana23 promo code, new users can claim a 20% discount on Banana Traff accounts. And if you are interested in learning more about account farming, our team will soon start courses in affiliate marketing, and we will love to see you join!

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