New Feature: Tasks. How They Work and Why You Need Them

Octo Browser 2.2: Search in Trash and Other Improvements
In the Update 2.1 we introduced a unique feature for time management and team coordination, Tasks. Now you can remind colleagues what needs to be done with a profile directly in Octo. How do tasks work? Why are they useful in an anti-detect browser? And how can you configure them for maximum convenience? Find the answers in this article.

Why You Need Tasks

Working in an anti-detect browser means managing hundreds of virtual profiles. With so much information, it’s hard to remember what you did with each profile a week ago or what steps to take next. To help organize your workflow and ensure nothing gets missed, we added the "Tasks" feature. Tasks remind you or other team members what and when needs to be done with a profile.

For example, accounts go through several stages in affiliate marketing. After creating the account, it needs to be “prepped” by visiting popular websites, then used to register an ad account, and finally left alone for a while. To remember when to return to these activities, you can set a task.

In drophunting, tasks can be used differently. In this niche simultaneous transactions can reveal multi-accounting, so it's best to perform activities with profiles at different times. You can plan ahead and schedule when to make payments in each profile using tasks.

How Tasks Work

Tasks in Octo Browser follow four stages:
  1. Creating a Task. You create the task name and description, select a date and time for the reminder. You can set multiple tasks at once, but each profile can only have a maximum of 10 active tasks at a time.
  2. Trigger and Task Execution. When the deadline comes, you receive a notification for the task. You can then perform the necessary action.
  3. Task Completion. You mark the task as completed.
  4. Task Deletion. You delete the task from the list. Once deleted, it cannot be restored.

Limitations and Access

Tasks are available on all Octo Browser subscription plans starting with Base. Each profile can have up to 10 tasks with "Upcoming" or "Triggered" statuses. If you reach the limit and want to create a new task, you can close or delete an old one. To receive notifications and view tasks for a specific profile, team members need two types of access: to the profile and to the tasks. You can grant these in the "Team" section.

The master account can select the level of access to tasks a team member gets:
  1. View Only. Allows team members to see and close tasks. Suitable for regular team members.
  2. Edit. Allows them to create, edit, resume, clone, and delete tasks. Best for managers who assign tasks to other team members.

How to Create a Task

In Octo Browser, you can set tasks for a single profile or multiple profiles at once. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do this:

Creating a Task for One Profile

1. Click the three dots next to the relevant profile and select "Tasks" from the dropdown menu.
2. Click "Create Task" in the sidebar on the right.
3. Fill in the name and description, set the date and time for the reminder, and click "Create."

Only the task name is required. If you don’t have the details for the description or deadline yet, you can leave these fields blank.

Bulk Task Creation

1. Select the profiles you want to set tasks for. Click the three dots and select "Create Task" in the bottom menu.
2. Set the name, description, and deadline, and click "Create."
Note: When creating tasks in bulk, they will only be added to profiles that haven’t reached the task limit.
After the task has been created, it will appear in the task list and in the Profile List.
You can filter profiles with tasks by the "Upcoming" status.


When the deadline comes, you will receive a notification. Clicking "Show" will take you to the list of profiles with triggered notifications.
If a notification comes but you can't complete the task immediately, you can postpone it by selecting "Remind me later." The next reminder will come in an hour.

You can filter profiles with triggered tasks by the "Triggered" status.

As long as the task remains in the "Triggered" status, notifications will come hourly until you close them. You can stop recurring reminders in the notification settings.
When you’ve completed the task for the profile, close it by clicking "Resolve." You’ll be able to see who completed the task and when in the task list. A resolved task will remain on the list until you delete it or until the profile accumulates more than 100 completed tasks.
You can filter profiles with completed tasks by the "Resolved" status. Profiles without any active tasks can also be sorted in the list by the "Not Set" status.

Additional Task Actions

In addition to the standard workflow, you can perform extra actions with tasks. For example, you can:
  • Edit a task by clicking on it.
  • Reopen a task by clicking the “Reopen" icon. This is useful if a completed task was done incorrectly or incompletely and needs to be redone.
  • Clone a task by clicking "Clone." This function is helpful for creating many similar tasks.
  • Delete a task by clicking the Trash icon ("Delete").
Note: If you reopen or clone a task, it will return to the "Upcoming" status. You’ll need to manually set the date and time for it.
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