Octo Browser 2.1: Profile Tasks, Updated Proxy Interface, and New Formats for Bulk Profile Creation

Octo Browser 2.1: Profile Tasks, Updated Proxy Interface, and New Formats for Bulk Profile Creation
Update 2.1 ships several useful changes. One of the unique features it offers is the ability to assign tasks to profiles. We have also improved the proxy interface, making its check results more detailed. Additionally, we’ve added bulk profile creation via file upload and introduced new bulk actions.

Profile Tasks

Profiles often need to go through several preparation stages before full-scale work with accounts can begin: e.g., farming cookies, registering a Google Ads account, or not logging into the account for a certain time before selling it.

We’ve added a feature not present in other anti-detect browsers: now you can create profile tasks and set deadlines for them. Notifications will remind team members about unfinished tasks. This new feature saves time by identifying profiles that require specific actions and helps control work processes.
Profile Tasks
Tasks are available starting with the Team Subscription and above, simplifying teamwork. All team members have access to a list of profiles with pending tasks. Created tasks are displayed in a new Profile List column, which can be hidden if not needed. There is also an option to disable pop-up notifications.

Proxy Interface Improvement

We have updated the proxy interface and made many changes to address the inconveniences associated with copying, editing, checking, and changing IP addresses.

The proxy selection process has been improved: now the selected proxy always appears at the top of the list, with the remaining available proxies sorted alphabetically. When you hover over a proxy, an action menu appears, where you can edit the proxy or check it before assigning it to a profile.
Proxy Interface Improvement

Extended Proxy Checks

The proxy check results are now more detailed: with the latest update, you can see the IP address, ISP, connection type, location, and timezone. We also added a button that copies this information.
Extended Proxy Checks
The saved proxy list is now more convenient too. Now you can edit proxies by simply clicking on their names. We have also added a new column with an indicator showing how many profiles use a specific proxy. This is helpful if you want to use different proxies with different profiles.

There is also an option to customize the list. You can now move columns, resize them, or hide them for your convenience.
It is now possible to customize the proxy table
Proxy data can now be copied on all creation and editing pages, as well as in the saved proxies list. Their statuses are now clearer, and editing and available actions are simpler.

New Formats for Bulk Profile Import

We have expanded the formats for bulk profile creation via file upload. You can now create a template using Google Sheets or Excel and upload a .csv or .xlsx file in the bulk profile creation menu. Our support specialists have prepared detailed documentation covering this process that you can find here.
New formats for mass import of profiles
In addition to our format, we support various bulk upload formats used by other anti-detect browsers and account stores, so you can use familiar templates. If errors occur during file upload, profiles will be added with a warning, and the fields with errors will be highlighted for correction.
If errors occur when uploading a file, profiles will be added with a warning and error fields will be highlighted for correction.
In the future we will continue adding the most popular formats for profile uploads. If the format you use is not currently supported, please contact us using the feedback form in the browser or on the website.

Changes to the Bulk Actions Menu

We have improved and expanded the bulk actions menu. Now rarely used items can be opened as an additional list. New actions are also available:
  • profile start;
  • profile stop;
  • proxy check;
  • IP address change;
  • adding profile tasks.
We added a drop-down action list for selected profiles
We added a drop-down action list for selected profiles
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