Octo Browser 2.2: Search in Trash and Other Improvements

Octo Browser 2.2: Search in Trash and Other Improvements
Update 2.2 focuses on technical improvements and responding to user requests. We have added profile search in Trash, made importing bookmarks easier, and shipped the ability to restore a deleted font list when editing fingerprint settings. We have also improved browser performance and made other small adjustments to ensure even more efficient work with Octo Browser.

Search in the Trash Bin

This was one of the most requested features that we have shipped in this update. We have added a search bar in the Trash Bin, allowing you to search profiles by their titles. Now you can easily find and restore the profiles you need.
Search in the Trash Bin

Bookmarks Bar Will Automatically Appear After Importing Bookmarks

We have improved the bookmark importing process: you no longer need to manually turn on the bookmarks bar in Settings for the bookmarks to be shown. If you import bookmarks, the bookmarks bar will automatically be enabled when you launch the corresponding profile.

Restoring Fonts

We have resolved the inconvenience related to font list deletion when editing a profile. Now you can restore a deleted font list by simply clicking the "Cancel" button.
Восстановление списка шрифтов

Other Improvements and Fixes

Disabling microanimations: in response to user requests, we have increased UI responsiveness by disabling some minor UI element animations.
Please leave your feedback and suggestions for improving Octo Browser on Telegram or via the feedback form in the browser. Follow us on social media to stay informed about important news and updates.


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