Octo Browser 1.12: Discounts on subscription upgrades and improved WebRTC configuration

Octo Browser 1.12: Discounts on subscription upgrades and improved WebRTC configuration
With the latest Update 1.12, we are revising the pricing of Octo Browser Subscription changes: now, if you upgrade your subscription for a longer term, you will receive a discount of up to 30%. Another change is related to anonymity: we have added a new option to the WebRTC settings.

Subscription upgrade discounts

We have updated our pricing policy for subscription changes. Now, when you upgrade your current subscription for 3, 6, or 12 months, you will receive a 10%, 20%, or 30% discount respectively. This means that upgrading your subscription for longer terms has become more profitable.

Improved WebRTC settings

Added option to disable WebRTC (disable UDP traffic) if necessary, but for most cases the recommended setting is "Based On IP". The new option can be found in Edit Profile > Connection Settings.
New WebRTC settings.

New WebRTC settings.

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WebRTC (Web Real Time Communications) is a standard that is used for transferring streamed audio, video, and content data between browsers.
WebRTC normally uses the UDP protocol, which decreases latency, but is characterized by greater data loss and less signal stability, and is also less secure. An alternative technology uses the TCP protocol with greater latency but less data loss and higher stability.