How Octo Browser improved in 2022

How Octo Browser improved in 2022
This year we have worked hard to make Octo Browser the most reliable and secure multi-accounting browser in the world, and now it is time to look back and review what we have achieved and how the browser has become better for our clients.

The most important browser updates

We promptly update the browser kernel to match the current Chromium version, and we are the fastest to do so on the market. We have rolled out 12 such updates in 2022, and our record of releasing a new Octium version is less than 12 hours.

We now support payments in USDT (through ERC-20 and TRC-20), allowing for low commission rates and high transaction speeds. Now you can choose any payment method that suits you best: VISA, Mastercard, QIWI, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Tether.
Our developers are most proud of the Update 1.7, where we have improved the UI, added the shopping cart, history, and profile recovery.

Besides this, we have:
  • Rolled out the best headless browser on the market, and a multi-threaded and fast Cookie Robot running on it; added API work functionality.
  • Improved browser kernel-level fingerprint spoofing, which passes all popular checkers.
  • Improved data tunneling functionality and improved proxy support.
  • Provided top-notch cookies support. Importing and exporting cookie files is now smoother than ever.
  • We’ve launched a unique videostream spoofing feature that has garnered rave reviews.
  • Shipped the profile transfer feature. Our clients can import and export ready-to-go profiles.
  • Every browser update brings a bunch of functional improvements: ever faster, ever more convenient.

Top-notch technical support

Our technical support team has grown, and we have significantly increased our response speed. Our technical support in the most requested languages has also improved, all of this contributing to a 99% satisfaction rate and the average rating of 4.95 out of 5 stars!

Our technical support has become better, always striving for the best response quality possible, and we are always ready to answer your questions: on our website, by e-mail or through Telegram.

New markets and users

Our marketing department has done everything possible to keep our clients and their needs our number one priority. This year we have implemented various important features requested by our users, and we have seen how new client cohorts that need our product are being formed. We have introduced processes and regulations that allow us to grow and develop Octo Browser in many requested directions ever quicker and more efficiently.

Octo Browser has a solid base in Eastern Europe, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan, and this year we have seen our customer base grow in the USA, Germany, the UK, and other European countries. We see the potential and demand for our multi-accounting browser, and this is why we will continue to gradually localize both our services and our communication channels for our new clients.
Octo Browser customer base

New content

We pay very close attention to the experiences of newcomers to Octo Browser, and this is why we have decided to make video tutorials helping out with the most common questions. Our content creation team together with technical support has started making cool and useful tutorials, and we will keep publishing more of them in different languages.

On November 26, we launched Octo Browser blog.
Octo Browser blog
There we will provide you with first-hand information about how Octo Browser improves with each new version, and share expert opinion about best use cases of our anti-detect multi-accounting browser in different online business areas: e-commerce, affiliate marketing, crypto, and, of course, private and secure web presence and work.

Octo in the media

Octo Browser has become a respectable and easily recognizable name among the professionals. We have collaborated with many popular authors and platforms, among which we are proud to name,,,,,,, Crypt’n’Tricks, IPEEWorld,

Offline events

We have participated in the following conferences:

  • Moscow Affiliate Conference — one of the biggest affiliate marketing conferences, boasting of more than 3000 professional participants
  • CPA Life Fest — the eighth international online advertising and affiliate marketing conference, featuring more than 2500 visitors.
  • Traffic Summit — Digital Marketing Conference — online marketing conference highlighting affiliate marketing trends.

2022 at a glance

The first Octo Browser version came into the already existing world of user identification protection, but our team has significantly raised the bar and introduced new high standards of offered technologies and fingerprint spoofing quality. This has earned us our users' trust, and we have grown our client base several times in the past year.

To make sure that every Octo Browser client can be absolutely certain that they are using the most advanced anti-detect multi-accounting browser available, we rolled out 5 major updates during the past year, and our R&D and QA teams are extremely proud of the fact that our services have been running smoothly without hacks or data leaks.

In 2022 we finalized putting together our team, bringing in analytics, content, design, and PR professionals. We have become a truly international company, and we are looking forward to further development, as we continue to grow responding to our clients' requests, our own research, and market and industry trends.

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