New feature: Password-Protected Profiles

New feature: Password-Protected Profiles
Each profile is a way to log into personal and work accounts, gaining access to important data. Octo Browser profiles and the data they contain are protected by the most secure encryption standards by default, but now you can apply an additional security measure by password-protecting one or more of your profiles.

Profile passwords are a unique feature among multi-accounting browsers, available only in Octo Browser. Setting a password ensures the highest level of data security: attackers won't be able to intercept the password or obtain it using the password recovery via email function. We do not store this information, so only someone who knows the password will be able to access the protected profile.

Why are profile passwords necessary?

Data privacy is one of the important factors for choosing a multi-accounting browser, and this new feature adds an additional level of data security that users themselves can control.

This new feature is especially relevant for teamwork, as different people can have access to a large number of profiles. You can use tags — which, by the way, will also become a bit more convenient soon — to categorize profiles and transfer them within the team, but we recommend using passwords for protecting profiles against unsanctioned launches and for additional profile data protection.

How do profile passwords work?

You can set, change, or remove a password for a profile and set a password for templates. In the latter case, all profiles created using this template will be protected by the template password. This feature is particularly important for team work, so we have provided the ability for team members to set passwords to the profiles they work with.

The password protects profiles from undesired launches and ensures data protection through end-to-end encryption. This means that without the password, launching such a profile and accessing its data becomes impossible.
The following actions become unavailable for password-protected profiles:
  • Profile Export;
  • Profile Transfer;
  • Launching the Cookie Robot;
  • Mass Profile Launching.
To regain access to these actions, you will have to remove the password.

How do I set a password for a profile?

Setting passwords is available through the Actions menu in the profile list. Click on the three dots next to the Start button, and you will see a new available action: Set Password.
Setting password for profile
You can also set a password using the Security tab of the profile or template editing menu.
Setting password for profile
You can set passwords for several profiles at once. To do so, select them using the checkbox in the profile list, and then set a password using the bulk action menu.
Setting password for profile
And, of course, you can automate actions with password-protected profiles. You can find detailed documentation on working with the Octo Browser API here.
In which cases is it impossible to set a profile password?

  • If the profile is launched on another device;
  • In case of a synchronization error;
  • If the profile already has a password. Changing the password is possible, while password recovery is not.
To access these actions again, all you need to do is remove the password.


Octo Browser does not store profile passwords.

If you forget your password, we will not be able to help you regain access to password-protected profiles.

To make sure that you get the most out of the new feature, we recommend following a few simple rules for working with passwords:
  • It's better to use a long password containing at least 12 characters;
  • Ideally, the password should include a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special symbols.
  • The password should not contain any personal information, such as names, birth dates, or addresses.
  • The password should be unique for each account so that attackers cannot gain access to multiple accounts with the same password.
  • To avoid forgetting or losing your password, it's best to use password managers. We strongly advise against writing passwords on sticky notes, using online note-taking apps to store passwords, or keeping passwords in profile descriptions, as this is extremely unsafe.
Octo Browser offers users top-quality fingerprint spoofing, prompt kernel updates, and stable operation, allowing our clients to manage a significant number of profiles. However, when working with people, you should always be mindful of potential data loss risks associated with the banal human factor. Additional encryption with a password takes such risks into account and ensures maximum privacy and security of profile data.

We hope that the new feature will become one more reason for you to recommend Octo Browser to those who value such levels of security. We look forward to hearing your feedback in our community chat, as we keep working on new and exciting updates.


If I lose my profile password, can I write to the Technical Support to recover it?
No, the Technical Support Team will not be able to help you recover your profile passwords.
What if my profile password is irretrievably lost?
There are no limits on the number of attempts to enter the profile password, so you always can try to remember it.
If you cannot do so, we recommend deleting the profile to free up space for new ones. Without the password, access to the profile cannot be recovered.

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