Octo Browser 1.13: Optimized profile starting and synchronization

Octo Browser 1.12: Discounts on subscription upgrades and improved WebRTC configuration
With the latest Update 1.13, we have optimized the browser, fixing known bugs and resolving a number of minor issues to provide a smoother and more efficient Octo Browser experience.

What’s new:

  • We have optimized profile starting and synchronizing. This solved the issues arising from bulk start and stop of profiles, use of automation, working with an unstable Internet connection or on overloaded systems.
  • Application performance for users running a very large number of profiles has been enhanced.

Major fixes:

  • Fixed the issue with the rendering of the timer on the payment page running in the background.
  • Resolved the issue that caused profile freezes upon the device exiting sleep mode on Windows.
With this Octo Browser update, we focused on browser optimization and technical improvements to provide you with an even more robust multi-accounting tool.

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