How to Manage Multiple LinkedIn Accounts

Your digital fingerprint: what it is and how it is used to deanonymize you.
LinkedIn has 830 million registered users, 40% of whom visit the site daily. This makes the platform a convenient tool for job searching, recruiting, and B2B sales. In each of these fields, expanding your network of contacts is essential for reaching as much of your target audience as possible. However, LinkedIn limits the number of invitations per week and bans users for having two or more accounts. Is multi-accounting possible on this platform at all? Which tools can help bypass invite limits? And how can you easily manage multiple LinkedIn accounts? Find the answers to all these questions in this article.


Why have multiple LinkedIn accounts

Let’s take a closer look at how you can use multiple LinkedIn accounts:
  1. Separate different careers. Sometimes, a person might work in unrelated positions simultaneously or transition from one field to another. Although LinkedIn allows you to upload multiple CVs and search for jobs in different fields using one account, it can become confusing with unrelated job applications and conversations.
  2. Manage client accounts. E.g., if you’re an SMM manager handling LinkedIn profiles for different companies.
  3. Segment target audiences. If you’re selling different products or services on LinkedIn or targeting multiple regions, it’s impossible to cover all TA segments using just one account.
  4. Scale your contacts’ network. The more accounts you have, the more frequently you interact with people on LinkedIn, which helps you reach your goals faster, whether it’s finding a job, hiring an employee, or selling a product.
  5. Bypass contact limits. LinkedIn restricts new accounts to 100 invitations and older accounts to 200–225 invites. If these limits don’t meet your needs, you can significantly increase them through multi-accounting.
  6. Work around bans. If LinkedIn blocks an account, recovering it is very difficult. Having multiple accounts can protect you from downtime.

Can I run two LinkedIn accounts?

LinkedIn’s rules prohibit managing multiple accounts. The platform requires one person to have only one page and rigorously checks identity by requesting a photo ID. If a user creates more than one page, they risk getting banned straight away. However, you can manage multiple accounts using an anti-detect browser. It creates multiple virtual profiles, making each one appear as a different user to LinkedIn. When you access different LinkedIn accounts using separate virtual profiles, the platform does not cross-link them and consequently does not ban them.

Can I manage multiple LinkedIn accounts for lead generation?

Yes, you can manage multiple LinkedIn accounts for lead generation. However, each account must comply with LinkedIn’s rules, be registered to a real person, and avoid any suspicious activity.

To give the impression that each LinkedIn page is managed by an ordinary user, you’ll need to “prep” it for 3-4 months: post regularly, participate in discussions, join communities, and gradually expand your network of contacts. It’s also essential to keep the cookies, even if you purchase an account or transfer it to another employee. This will increase the trust level of your accounts.
Note: Experienced salespeople recommend paying for Sales Navigator, as LinkedIn tends to be a lot more lenient towards accounts that use it. In terms of verification, Sales Navigator users don’t need to provide a government-issued ID and can get verified through a corporate SN workplace and work email with a company domain.

How to create multiple LinkedIn accounts

Since LinkedIn strictly enforces its rules about creating multiple accounts, you must be very careful when multi-accounting. Each LinkedIn account must have unique parameters:
  • Personal information. Name, photo, education, and career info must not be the same across different accounts. LinkedIn will likely ask for ID verification. Experienced salespeople recommend creating accounts using the information of friends and acquaintances who might be willing to share such sensitive data.
  • Email. It’s safest to create separate Google accounts for each LinkedIn profile.
  • IP address. Residential proxies should be used to assign a different IP address to each account, preventing raising suspicions from LinkedIn.
  • Digital fingerprint. This is a set of device parameters LinkedIn uses to identify its users. Examples include the operating system version, browser, geolocation, time zone, installed fonts, screen resolution, RAM size and available disc space, CPU core count and GPU model. It’s not possible to manually change all these parameters, but an anti-detect browser can spoof your digital fingerprint.

Thus, to successfully multi-account on LinkedIn, you’ll need ID data, Google accounts, residential proxies, and an anti-detect browser. This setup will protect you from bans: this is important because recovering blocked accounts can be extremely difficult, and you risk losing all your leads and contacts. Moreover, without an anti-detect browser, you won’t be able to create new accounts, as LinkedIn won’t allow an account to be created from a device with the same fingerprint and IP address as the previously blocked one.

Switching between different LinkedIn accounts

You can, theoretically speaking, switch between LinkedIn pages by simply clicking on the account icon. However, the anti-fraud systems will detect that two accounts belong to the same person, potentially leading to a ban.

It’s much safer to use an anti-detect browser. With it, you can simultaneously manage as many LinkedIn accounts as you need, and each one will appear to the platform as a separate user logging on from a unique device. A high-quality anti-detect browser will save your credentials, so you won’t have to log into your account or go through two-factor authentication each time you start a new session.

How to manage multiple LinkedIn accounts with Octo Browser

Here’s how to use an anti-detect browser for LinkedIn multi-accounting. We will use Octo Browser for our step-by-step guide:

Signing up and installing the browser

To start multi-accounting on LinkedIn, sign up on the official Octo website and download and install the browser. Log into your account and follow the guide to purchase a subscription.

Creating virtual profiles

You can create a profile in five ways:

  1. Quick Profile.
By clicking the Quick Profile button, Octo will create a virtual profile with the same operating system as on your device. Other settings will be randomized.
2. New Profile.

By clicking Create Profile, you will be taken to a profile settings window. Provide a name for the profile, add an icon and a description. Set tags so that you can filter your profile list and quickly find the profiles you need. Add links to the starting pages where your sessions with this profile will begin, such as, and bookmarks.
To configure the digital fingerprint parameters you need, go to the Fingerprint tab. Choose the operating system version and screen resolution. The latter will determine the maximum browser window size. We recommend not manually changing the OS and user agent, and also leaving the location, time zone, and languages dependent on the IP address. This will help you avoid accidental errors that could potentially compromise the digital fingerprint integrity and raise suspicions about your LinkedIn accounts.
In the Hardware Settings subsection, you can choose the number of CPU cores, RAM size, GPU model, and the number of media devices. Here you can also configure hardware noise spoofing and additional connection parameters, but we recommend against changing them manually in order to avoid raising suspicions from LinkedIn.
Go to the Security section to password-protect the profile. This will provide additional protection for your data against potential leaks. You can read more about how this feature works and why it’s important in our article.
Note: Octo does not store profile passwords, so if you lose a profile password, we will not be able to help you regain access to your password-protected profiles.
Switch to the Extensions tab to install browser extensions. You can either select an extension from the list or add a new one.
Once all the settings are configured, click Create Profile.

3. Templates.

In the Templates section you can create a sample profile with pre-set parameters by clicking Create Template. This method is ideal if you want to create multiple profiles for multi-accounting on LinkedIn with similar parameters, such as the same icons, tags, starting pages, bookmarks, extensions, and password.
When creating a template, you need to give it a name, e.g., "LinkedIn." Manually setting all other parameters is optional. The configurations you set will be the same for each profile created using this template. All other parameters will be randomized by the browser. Once you have selected the settings you need, click Create Template.
Activate the template by switching it on in the Active column. You can now use it to create quick and new profiles, and for bulk profile creation.

4. Bulk creation and import.

Click the three dots next to the Create Profile button and select Bulk Create to create up to 100 profiles at once. You can either leave the settings as random, manually select them, use a template, import as cookies, or upload them in .csv, .txt, or .xlsx formats. Check out the examples of .csv, .xlsx. data files here.
For bulk creation, you need to specify the amount of profiles you need. You can choose a template or the operating system, and upload cookie files. Once you have specified all the necessary settings, select Add profiles — Create Profiles.
5. API.

You can also automate the creation of profiles for LinkedIn via the API. The documentation contains script examples that are generated by Postman for each request. To enable automation, you must provide your API token. This token can only be accessed in the master account. To do so, click on the account icon in the top right corner and go to the Additional section.

Connecting proxies

Connect proxies to your virtual profiles so that LinkedIn doesn't cross-link your accounts by their IP addresses. You can purchase proxies at a discount from our partners. Choose residential proxies so that the anti-fraud systems treat your IP as a home router address. Trust in such IP addresses is generally much higher.

To connect a proxy to a profile, click on Direct in the corresponding row. Select a saved proxy or add a new one by clicking Set a new proxy.
Add the host, port, login, and password. If you are connecting dynamic proxies, provide the link for the IP address change. To reuse the proxy later, check the Save to the Proxy Manager checkbox and give it a name. Check the proxy and click Confirm.
In Octo, you can also add and connect proxies in bulk. To add proxies, go to the Proxies tab and click Bulk Add.
Drag and drop a file with the necessary data or add it as plain text. Follow the format specified in the upload window. Enter a prefix, e.g., "LinkedIn." Click Confirm.
To connect proxies in bulk, select the desired profiles in the Profiles tab and click Set Proxy.
Note: You can connect the same proxy to multiple profiles only if it comes with a dynamic IP address. If you log into different LinkedIn accounts using the same IP address, the social network will block them.
You can select a previously saved proxy, add a new one, or insert proxy data as text. Click Confirm.

“Prepping” the accounts

LinkedIn tends to be suspicious about accounts without cookies. Therefore, before logging onto the social network, you need to either add cookies into the browser manually or collect them.

If you are working with an existing LinkedIn account, export the cookies in .txt or .json format from the browser you used to access LinkedIn previously. In Octo, click on the three dots next to the desired profile, and select Import Cookies.
Note: If you are creating an Octo profile for an already existing LinkedIn account, make its digital fingerprint as similar as possible to the fingerprint of the device with which the account was previously used, and from which you are exporting the cookies.
Drag and drop the files or paste the cookies as text, then click Confirm.
Before registering a new LinkedIn account, the virtual profile needs to be “prepped.” To do this, Octo offers the Cookie Robot that visits the websites you need and collects pixels from them. Before launching the Robot, research popular websites in the region you plan to indicate on LinkedIn.

To “prep” the profile, click on the three dots next to it and select Cookie Robot. Paste the links you just gathered. The number of links is not limited. If there are any errors in the links, the Robot will simply skip them. Click Confirm.
The Robot will open the links simultaneously and spend between 5 and 15 seconds on each online resource without performing any additional actions. When it has finished collecting cookies from all the specified web pages, the profile launch button will change from Auto to Start. You can now launch the profile and register a new LinkedIn account.


Can I have two LinkedIn accounts?
The platform's rules prohibit multi-accounting. LinkedIn bans accounts if it identifies that they belong to the same user. However, you can manage multiple LinkedIn accounts using Octo Browser.
How can I manage two LinkedIn accounts?
To manage multiple LinkedIn accounts, you’ll need different emails, personal information, residential proxies, and an anti-detect browser. The latter, such as Octo Browser, allows you to create virtual profiles, each with its own digital fingerprint. Such profiles appear to the platform as separate users and do not raise suspicions with the anti-fraud systems.
Can I create two LinkedIn accounts with the same email?
No, each LinkedIn account needs to have its own email. Even if your old account has been blocked, you cannot use the same email address to register a new account.

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